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Influencer Marketing's Authentic Approach is Genuinely Profitable

Marketing demographics can be likened to waves on the sea, making it difficult to gauge the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. Although there are many different approaches and strategies to employ within advertising, influencer marketing is effective because it targets the audience that makes the difference. To expound further, let's discuss why influencer marketing's authentic approach is genuinely profitable.

Getting Real with Marketing

The demographics are difficult to pinpoint, because of the ever-changing people they represent. Historically the younger generations are always seemingly radical compared to their parents' generation, but in today's technologically advanced and rapidly changing cultural landscape this has never been more true.

Getting real is simplifying the process of marketing, although this doesn't mean boring and bland. Rather, this means reaching the targeted audience at their level, which could very well be unreal. In other words, using influencer marketing allows the leaders of a generation to formulate the marketing approach at their "real" level.

Targeting the Leaders of the Cultural Mores

Is there a more influential platform online than YouTube? Videos are the media means in which people (young and old) are finding news, entertainment, how-to, and tutorial videos every day. The scope of YouTube's influencing power is dynamic and massive, to say the least. And by targeting the leaders of the cultural mores on YouTube, a company can achieve a viable means of reaching their audience demographic. Additionally, this is only one of many social media platforms to choose from.

Anyone who is familiar with behavioral sociology knows most people simply follow the leaders. Although many followers may consider themselves leaders, this doesn't change this simple fact of human behavior (showing that most people aren't leaders). The entire point of influencer marketing is to market products by and for these leaders (influencers), which are popular to the masses who follow them.

Because of the popularity of the influencers on YouTube, the subscribers and viewers are open to listening and acting on the suggestions of their videos. The results of successfully gaining an advocate from one of these YouTube influencers can very well propel a product into trendy and viral outer-space.

Authenticity Gained from Earned Media

The savvy audiences of today's populace can discern a paid ad from a non-paid ad. Therefore, the earned media model is effective because it's non-paid advertising. The YouTube influencer is simply referring the product for free samples, thus are doing this because they genuinely like the product. This garners authenticity, which can't be fabricated even in a lush advertising studio full of test-studied actors.

So, not only is this form of advertising affordable, but it promotes a genuine buzz around a product. An independent film festival type of non-conformity buzz, which a corporate big media-saturated populace will appreciate. Yet, this form of advertising does ask companies to hand over their product to influencers with free creative reign for an earned media campaign; essentially, less control, more authenticity.

Allowing the influencer to market a product how they wish is the beauty of earned media in the first place. Embracing this free-flowing authentic approach nets generous social proof, which in turn creates the buzz to propel a product successfully.

Is Influencer Marketing For Your Brand? 

There are quality services uniquely suited for companies who wish to use YouTube and/ or other social media outlets for their earned media campaigns. By using a quality service, companies can have control over who they want to work with and can keep tabs on all the important stats and information concerning influencer campaigns.

Truly, influencer marketing is a unique opportunity for companies to market their products and also for YouTube and social media creators to find companies to work with.

Earned media advertising through influencer marketing is an effective way to reach a large audience because there are more followers than leaders and authenticity will resonate more with the demographics of a populace over-saturated with commercials. This is why influencer marketing is genuinely profitable and should be considered by certain brands.


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