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Showing posts with the label healthcare technology

How Healthcare CRM Solutions and ZDogg are Solving the Digital Divide for Providers

The healthcare industry is going through a significant transition , mostly, induced by HIT changes and system reform; in the process of these disruptive changes, thought leadership is trying to strategically develop a plan of action for reaching interoperability. Interoperability is part of the holistic solution , as it works to connect patients with providers and share EHR clinical data with them and referrals. Let's discuss this topic more by examining how healthcare CRM solutions and ZDogg are solving the digital divide between providers and patients . Defining the Digital Divide This is a term that emerged most prominently after the “meaningful use” of EMRs became a requirement for providers on January 1, 2014 . Since then, cloud and mobile computing technologies have also played a large part in the digital divide equation – mostly, trying to solve pain points with healthcare enterprise systems . To learn more, let's look at two different articles written about