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Watch: Small Businesses Fight for Survival In Tough Covid-19 Year (2021)

The plandemic, scamdemic, or coronavirushoax have all done great and irreversible damage to the small businesses of the U.S. The private sector has been dealt a severe blow, as the government authorities hanging from he puppet strings of the elite ruling masters of the world demanded they shut down to save lives from the flu or cold. That's right, the coronavirus is still theoretical, as it hasn't been proven to exist and the PCR test tells us nothing because there is no gold standard test to gauge the results from.

Makes you wonder why they are shutting only small businesses down while leaving the big businesses alone to make a killing, right. Sure would be convenient to create a fake virus as a pretense to take draconian measures to "save lives", only to destroy the competition (small private businesses) they can't control as easily. The NWO demands every business conform to their standardized way of adopting technology, hiring practices, etc. After the false pandemic, the government and their puppet masters are that much closer to controlling everyone and everything in the world. 

Businesses that shut down did so out of fear of being fined, arrested, getting their business licenses taken away, etc. Most did not shut down because they were afraid of some killer virus bug that was as deadly as the seasonal flu (it was the seasonal flu). Most people shut their businesses down against their will and common sense because they are ignorant of the agenda being played out. Now, many are out of business and are wondering if it was worth listening to their government and health officials who clearly have an agenda against the common people and small private businesses. 

The small businesses that survived now owe big loans to the government, which makes them conform to the government's future demands -- they are now under their control more so. Those that stayed open are the heroes and the smart ones, as they stand for something for one thing, they made great money from those who also think the lockdowns were BS, and they won't have to pay any of the fines, as they were illegal to issue anyway and won't stand in court. 

Add in the BLM and Antifa riots and we have prime real estate in all the major city's downtown centers being destroyed, thus being bought up for pennies on the dollar by monopolistic, international monopolistic corporations. This, on top of the massive amount of money these same corporations received from the multiple trillion dollar bail-out money, while the small private businesses flounder and die. Think about it business people, this is part of an agenda to destroy and control small private businesses, are you going to go along with the fun?



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