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The Busy Medium Bee

Buzzing around and making honey.  I love honey. My teeth can’t handle sugar anymore, so honey is my sweet treat, mostly with a peanut butter sandwich.  The analogy of the bee buzzing around, working hard to make honey and the Medium writer staying active on the site to produce views and money is appropriate I think. Bees take time off in the winter in cold locations though.  Unless a person has a massive audience somewhere else they can successfully transfer over to Medium, building a regular audience on the site takes time and a consistent effort.  What I’ve noticed since writing on Medium regularly for the last three months is the time spent reading and interacting with other writers’ work directly correlates with how many views and money you make.   In the last few weeks, I’ve been posting as much as ever, yet have decreased my interaction by about 70%. I’ve noticed my views and interactions have decreased by about the same.  On the one hand, this can be...

10 Famous Movies Filmed in Oregon

“The Beaver State” has been part of some famous movie creations in the last 100 years. Here are ten famous movies filmed in Oregon from the oldest to the newest. 1. The General (1929): The comedic genius and amazing stuntman Buster Keaton starred in this silent black and white film. Part of the movie production was filmed in Cottage Grove, Oregon. The town of about 10k residents today still has a large mural of the film on the side of a downtown building. 2. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975): Based on the 1962 novel by Ken Kesey and starring Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito and Christopher Lloyd, this interesting drama/comedy was filmed mostly around Salem, Oregon. It was also filmed around the coastal town of Depoe Bay. The Oregon State Hospital was used in the filming, which was an actual state mental hospital and the one depicted in the novel. 3. National Lampoon’s Animal House (1978): This may be the most famous of all the movies, starring John Belushi, Donald Sutherland and ma...

What are the Painted Hills in Wheeler County, Oregon?

The Painted Hills is a special geologic site located about 10 miles northwest of Mitchell, 51 miles northeast of Prineville, 40 miles south of Fossil, and 49 miles west of Dayville. The easiest entrance is coming from US Highway 26 (Ochoco Highway) where travelers will see a sign directing them to the attraction. This amazingly beautiful area is one of three units within the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument ; the other two units of the park are the Clarno Unit and the Sheep Rock Unit. Located within the Sheep Rock Unit is the 11k square foot Thomas Condon Visitor Center where visitors can view murals, photo galleries, fossil displays, and a fishbowl paleontology laboratory. Visitors can also get some souvenirs at the Discover Your Northwest Park Store at the center. If you visit the Painted Hills, get your cameras out and take some amazing pictures of the area. The earthy vibrant tones and hues of reds, yellows, blacks, and golds will bring a sense of awe and wonder at the natura...

Houses Aren’t For the Average American

  Most Americans are priced out of owning a house. The powers to be in their infinite wisdom and social engineering manipulations have deemed the vast majority of Americans as unworthy of owning a house.  You can live in a rented apartment or house, yet forget about buying a home, even one that is nearly 100 years old.  Here is the pecking order of living standards as an adult: Live with parents Homeless in bushes Homeless in car Homeless in RV Live in RV in an RV park with utilities Live in a house with others sharing a bathroom and kitchen Live in a quint or quad and share kitchen and bathroom Live in a quint or quad and share kitchen, have own bathroom Live in a studio apartment with own bathroom and kitchen Live in a one-bedroom apartment Live in a two or three-bedroom apartment Live in a rented house Live in a house you are buying Live in a house you own (except for property taxes and eminent domain laws) These cover most of the levels of living arrangements, yet not...

Approval Time for NewsBreak Monetization

Explaining how long it took for me and all the details involved. I’m happy to report I’ve been approved for monetization at NewsBreak! I wanted to share the details with anyone waiting or thinking about becoming a contributor. Here are some details:I wrote my first article on NewsBreak on December 24, 2022. 23 total articles 370 followers 734k impressions 46k views 853 likes 565 comments 742 shares As you may know, contributors have to have 100 registered followers and 10 articles before they can apply for monetization. I reached these markers after 15 articles on January 6, 2023. After applying, NewsBreak told me it could take up to one month until they got back to me. I also heard from some Medium writers that it has sometimes taken up to 45 days. I heard back from them yesterday January 1. That means it took roughly 25 days for them to get back to me, thankfully, to tell me I’m approved. I really wasn’t sure if I would be approved, especially considering I slowed down writing there ...

What is the Hole-in-the-Ground in Lake County, OR?

NASA used it to practice for the moon. The Hole-in-the-Ground is a large crater caused by a volcanic explosion (maar). It is an entire mile across at the furthest point and 490 ft. deep in the middle. There is another maar 8 miles west of this one that is even bigger at 1.1 miles across called the Big Hole. The elevation of this area is 4,650 ft. This massive hole is one of the many geographic attractions found in Lake County, OR. It can be found off OR-31 around the 22-mile marker. There is a sign saying Hole-in-the-Ground and another entry point saying Outback Station. Off OR-31 at the second exit, visitors will take dirt roads and come across the Outback Station, which is an RV park, before getting to the Hole-in-the-Ground Vista Point about 2 miles later. The Hole-in-the-Ground is located within the Deschutes National Forest at the western edge of the Fort Rock basin. It is located about 8 miles northwest of the town of Fort Rock and 24 miles southeast of La Pine. The Oregon Encyc...

Marriages Take Work and Faith

Let us be committed to making our marriages work. It seems that nearly everything in American culture and society is trying to destroy our marriages. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would conclude there is a conspiracy to destroy the Biblical family unit however possible. Whatever the reasons our modern marriages are failing and not even getting started, the fact is they are more than is acceptable. I want to fight this modern trend by encouraging people to value marriage and do what it takes to make them work. I understand how hard it can be, as I’ve been married for around 10 years now and my wife and I both came from dysfunctional and broken families. Even with guidance from our faith in the Holy Bible, we have had many difficulties and challenges along the way threatening to thwart our marriage for good. Praise God, we are still together through the challenges. I will say it takes two people who are committed to staying together. If one person isn’t willing to make it work, even...

What is the Crack-in-the-Ground in Christmas Valley, OR?

Another interesting geological formation in Lake County. The Crack-in-the-Ground is one of the many geological attractions in Lake County, Oregon. Managed by the Bureau of Land Management, it has a small dirt parking lot with an on-site bathroom, a well-beaten path, and beautiful views. The Crack-in-the-Ground is a volcanic fissure formed long ago and preserved in the high-desert surroundings around Christmas Valley, OR. There is a 2-mile-long hiking trail that runs through the formation that goes as far down as 70 feet below the surface; the average width between the stone walls is 10 ft. Visitors will have to traverse a rocky dirt road that leads up the hills surrounding the basin area where Christmas Valley and Fort Rock are located. The parking area and start of the hiking trail are around five miles from Christmas Valley and 102 miles southeast of Bend. Once visitors are past the short, rocky, hundred-foot climb, they will be on a smoother dirt road that winds its way to the tra...

The Power of Sharing on Reddit

Are you sharing articles on this social site? Above is one of my posts on Reddit. As you can see, it has over 35k views and 369 more upvotes than downvotes. It also has 53 shares. This is in a subreddit community called Oregon. It has 168k members. Not all of my posts to this subreddit do this well, but this shows the potential Reddit offers. This link share is from a NewsBreak article and I have noticed traffic coming to the articles when I post here. I write mostly about local news in Oregon. My experience at Reddit hasn’t always been so beneficial. For most of the nine years I’ve been there I gained no traction and my posts to subreddits were almost always removed for some reason. I began to think Reddit was a puzzle I couldn’t figure out. Nevertheless, I kept trying and finally found some subreddits that work. The key is to find a subreddit, read all the directions for posting, and then once find one that doesn’t remove your link, you now have a good place to share content on that...

What Happens to Most Medium Writers?

Analyzing the holistic enterprise with stats and generalities. I started syndicating my blog content on Medium around 2017 with my first account, which has gone by the wayside since. The account I’m using now is my second account which I started around August 2018. I posted around 12 articles here from then until December 2022. Like a long-lost treasure realized, I started writing seriously on Medium around early December 2022. I’ve now been writing regularly here for around 5 weeks. The total article count I’ve amassed is 46 at this point in my Medium journey. When I came back to Medium after 4.5 years of neglect, I had 34 followers and wasn’t a member. I became a member and then soon enough reached the 100-follower threshold to apply for monetization. I really appreciate how quickly Medium approves this part of the journey. How I Got 48 Followers on Medium in 4.5 Years Some sarcasm mixed with sincerity. At this point, I have 242 followers and am up to 1,580 views in the pa...