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How is Virtual Reality Conditioning Humanity?

The subtle and overt influences are changing our thinking and behavior.

Ever since the Roswell incident technology has been exponentially accelerating to the present, yet what does this mean for humanity? Where are we collectively going as human beings, as mankind?

Besides those who claim they are from the future, no one really knows the answer to these difficult questions. Yet by logically examining the trends of technology and how it has affected people within a relatively short period of time, we can extrapolate some reasonable conclusions. 

In short, the outcomes look like transhumanism; the melding and coalescing of man and machine. By now, this term is fairly commonplace among younger generations, as technology trends exponentially grow and expand with the term progress attached. 

For instance, I wrote an article in 2013 claiming Eminem was a clone, which brought with it plenty of mocking insults; now, at the end of 2022, this doesn’t seem to be that far-fetched. Why would it be when they were cloning animals like sheep back in the 90s?

Delayed Collective Social Consciousness

The truth is technology has reached the point where it is moving faster than we can keep up with and comprehend. The delayed collective social consciousness is lagging behind the reality that seems to be incomprehensible in its magnitude and implications. 

Older generations sit back in unbelief as societal traditions, social mores, long-held values, and basic tenants of being human become outdated and forgotten in the mad rush of technological progress. At a certain point, the profound changes can’t be summarized adequately by “wows”, shaking heads, or saying “I can’t believe it.”

Only 100 years ago most Americans were farmers, now more than 80% of Americans live in urban areas. 

Please understand, this article is only trying to prompt readers to question and critically think about our present and the future, it is not an exhaustive resource for mapping the past, present, and future in informative details and facts. The notions presented are based upon a true story, that of the human race in the mind of an adherent of truth. 

Many things can’t be spoken, mysteries have to be given place while discussion of large amorphous topics are dissected into bite-sized comprehensions for us to discern. 

With that said, let me postulate some theories that may resonate with you.

Social Conditioning

The main theme is conditioning; the subtle and overt factors that are changing our perceptions and redefining a construct carefully placed within our minds. 

Social engineering tactics are magnified by artificial intelligence, shaping the defining aspects of our world and using big data analytics to integrate them into our practical lives through technology. 

For those who are outside the hive mind, these influences are rendered mostly ineffective, but for those within it, they are daily influencing us into their myopic view. A view that increasingly seeks a conforming homogeneous populace, unknowingly perpetuating the agenda of a cyclical force manifesting through our collective willing ignorance and lusts. 

The contradictions are striking; while the trend is to “do your own thing”, the majority does the same thing — doing their own thing and thinking they are different. The conformists are being fooled into thinking they are individuals.

Historical Contrasts and Conspiratorial Factors

Examining ourselves in the present requires a sense of what we were before. History is the lens we can look through to gauge societies and peoples of the past. There are clues found in words, films, songs, poems, governments, laws, familial connections, and other indicators that give us a sense of what people were like before. 

All we can do is gather these clues and try to compare and contrast them with what we have now. If we don’t go back far enough we may miss the bigger picture frame we are being painted into. 

It would make sense if there was a conspiracy to socially engineer entire populations for a certain agenda, this would require a campaign to deny and mock any attempt at pointing this out. 

With elite forces looking at the totality of civilization as though it were a chess board for their machinations, we could surmise the outcome to be unfavorable for regular people when the elite’s hearts are spoiled with excess and riches. 

What is too grand of a notion for us to comprehend or consider is placed in the rubbish pile, while we focus on things we can understand. 

Our Online Clone

All of these considerations are relative to how virtual reality is conditioning the masses. Virtual reality is the clone of ourselves online. This reality is solidified and built online apart from the physical offline world. 

It has to do with our perceptions of ourselves; not who we are, but who we think we are. And who we think we are is being defined by virtual reality the more we place ourselves online through our brand.

Even if someone isn’t trying formally to create a brand, by placing themselves online in some measure a brand is being created naturally. Their online persona is given life. 

As their online persona grows, so does the weight of influence it brings to their own self-perception. Eventually, the danger is, their online self becomes more real than their offline self and thus another automaton is born for the hive mind to sway toward the larger agenda. 

Technological Singularity

One has to consider the genius of the forces within the upper echelons of power. Where are they getting their ideas and how are they implementing their plans?

To simply say, “there is no organized central leadership over the world that is social engineering the populations for a certain agenda”, is too easy; in fact, this is what we are supposed to believe, which should give us reason to question it. 

The term singularity comes to mind while discussing these things. That is when machines become smarter than humans; technological singularity according to Wikipedia is:

singularity[1] — is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization,

Have we reached this point? 

If so, what does this mean for societies and the individuals within them?

The Programmed Future

Realize, we’ve been predictively programmed to believe in dystopian futures like those depicted in Hunger Games, Brave New World, and 1984; furthermore, we are led to believe the end of the world is upon us at every turn with climate change, world war 3, and other doomsday scenarios. 

With all of these predictive programming tactics influencing us, it is understandable why our general hopes for the future are bleak. What the heart believes collectively manifests into reality in some measure. Maybe the most difficult task for modern humans to achieve is to be optimistic about the future while also being honest about the present. 

The real danger is in the unthinking automaton riding the waves of influence from the hive mind. Their concerns are based upon hedonistic desires, yet they are programmed to perceive themselves as critically thinking individuals — the person who thinks they are something they are not. 

They are a danger to themselves, yes, but collectively, as they grow and metastasize, they become a danger to all. Society is in danger of reaching a critical mass of automatons that haphazardly follow the hive mind’s influences unknowingly.

If this were the plan of artificial intelligence using big data analytics to decipher our every thought, emotion, and behavior, then they could carefully program the script like a high-tech software product. All the while, part of the script is to deny this is happening by making it seem implausible and too extraordinary. Playing dumb, the AI bot fools the fools. 


So, how is virtual reality conditioning humanity?

Essentially, it is creating a perception within the hive mind, of both societies as a whole and ourselves individually. We are willing subjects to this agenda, in as much as we buy into our online persona and the hive mind’s projections. 

Much has to be left unsaid, as each of us has to question for ourselves if we are going to buy into this agenda and how far. The question is too large for an adequate answer, yet this is my honest attempt nonetheless. 


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